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# main.py
# Andrew Dinh
# Python 3.6.1
# Description:
Asks users for mutual funds/stocks to compare
Asks to be compared (expense ratio, turnover, market capitalization, or persistence)
Asks for time period (Possibly: 1 year, 5 years, 10 years)
Makes the mutual funds as class Stock
Gets data from each API
Compare and contrast dates and end changeOverTime for set time period
NOTES: Later can worry about getting close values to make a graph or something
Gives correlation value using equation at the end (from 0 to 1)
from StockData import StockData
from StockReturn import Return
listOfStocksData = []
listOfStocksReturn = []
#numberOfStocks = int(input("How many stocks or mutual funds would you like to analyze? ")) # CHANGE BACK LATER
numberOfStocks = 1
for i in range(0, numberOfStocks, 1):
print("Stock", i+1, ": ", end='')
stockName = str(input())
listOfStocksData[i] = StockData()
# print(listOfStocksData[i].name)
#listOfStocksReturn[i] = StockReturn()
# Decide on a benchmark
benchmarkTicker = ''
while benchmarkTicker == '':
listOfBenchmarks = ['S&P500', 'DJIA', 'Russell 3000', 'MSCI EAFE']
listOfBenchmarksTicker = ['SPY', 'DJIA', 'VTHR', 'EFT']
print('\nList of benchmarks:', listOfBenchmarks)
#benchmark = str(input('Benchmark to compare to: '))
benchmark = 'S&P500'
for i in range(0,len(listOfBenchmarks), 1):
if benchmark == listOfBenchmarks[i]:
benchmarkTicker = listOfBenchmarksTicker[i]
i = len(listOfBenchmarks)
if benchmarkTicker == '':
print('Benchmark not found. Please type in a benchmark from the list')
print('\n', benchmark, ' (', benchmarkTicker, ')', sep='')
benchmarkName = str(benchmark)
benchmark = StockData()
benchmarkReturn = Return()
Return.mainBenchmark(benchmarkReturn, benchmark)
timeFrame = Return.returnTimeFrame(benchmarkReturn)
print('Time Frame [years, months]:', timeFrame)
sumOfListLengths = 0
for i in range(0, numberOfStocks, 1):
print('\n', listOfStocksData[i].name, sep='')
# Count how many stocks are available
sumOfListLengths = sumOfListLengths + len(StockData.returnAllLists(listOfStocksData[i]))
if sumOfListLengths == 0:
print("No sources have data for given stocks")
# Find return over time using either Jensen's Alpha, Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, or Treynor Ratio
for i in range(0, numberOfStocks, 1):
print('\n', listOfStocksData[i].name, sep='')
# Runs correlation or regression study
# print(listOfStocksData[0].name, listOfStocksData[0].absFirstLastDates, listOfStocksData[0].finalDatesAndClose)
indicatorFound = False
while indicatorFound == False:
print("1. Expense Ratio\n2. Asset Size\n3. Turnover\n4. Persistence\nWhich indicator would you like to look at? ", end='')
#indicator = str(input()) # CHANGE BACK TO THIS LATER
indicator = 'Expense Ratio'
print(indicator, end='')
indicatorFound = True
print('\n', end='')
if indicator == 'Expense Ratio' or indicator == '1' or indicator == 'expense ratio':
#from ExpenseRatio import ExpenseRatio
print('\nExpense Ratio')
elif indicator == 'Asset Size' or indicator == '2' or indicator == 'asset size':
print('\nAsset Size')
elif indicator == 'Turnover' or indicator == '3' or indicator == 'turnover':
elif indicator == 'Persistence' or indicator == '4' or indicator == 'persistence':
indicatorFound = False
print('Invalid input, please enter indicator again')
stockName = 'IWV'
stock1 = Stock(stockName)
print("Finding available dates and close values for", stock1.name)