2023-03-05 16:47:16 -08:00

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<h2 class="topic">Rules</h2>
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<div id=rules-description>
By attending this hackathon, you are required to abide by and follow these guidelines and code of conduct.
Failure to comply with these rules will result in disquilification.</div>
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<article id="guidelines">
<h2 class="signup-header">Hackathon Guidelines</h2>
<div id="rules-main-card">
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<div class="rules-card rules-1">
<p class="rules-title">No cheating</p>
- Do not consult with other teams or work with anyone outside of the hackathon sphere (however, you may consult friends and family for advice)
<div class="rules-card rules-2">
<p class="rules-title">Do not plagiarize</p>
- You are allowed to use existing libraries and packages with a valid license but required to give credit when credit is due (which also includes Creative Commons and <abbr class="tooltip-rules" title="Open-source software is computer software that is released under a license in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to use, study, change, and distribute the software and its source code to anyone and for any purpose">Open Source Projects</abbr>)
- You may also use old projects as frameworks for your product, but you cannot work on any material that is related to the hackathon before the event
<div class="rules-card rules-3">
<p class="rules-title">Maintain open communications with your team at all times</p>
- A good team player is one who is always able to be reached and assists in team duties when needed
<div class="rules-card rules-4">
<p class="rules-title">Any resource is at your disposal</p>
- You may use a combination of software and hardware in your project
- You may not copy others' unlicensed work
<div class="rules-card rules-5">
<p class="rules-title">Ask for help when needed</p>
- Don't be afraid to ask questions in the Discord or ask an organizer directly
- We want to ensure your team's success in this hackathon, so feel free to ask an organizer if you feel unsure
*subject to change
<article id="code-of-conduct">
<h2 class="signup-header">Code of Conduct</h2>
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<div class="rules-card code-card rules-1">
<p class="rules-title code-title">Treat everyone with respect</p>
- This includes team members, judges, organizers, volunteers, etc.
- We reserve the right to refuse patronage to participants based on their actions
<div class="rules-card code-card rules-2">
<p class="rules-title code-title">Be appropriate</p>
<p>- Respond professionally with organizers, answer questions to the best of your ability, and ensure that your project is not offensive in any way <br>
<div class="rules-card code-card rules-3">
<p class="rules-title code-title">Respect one's privacy</p>
- You may not photograph anyone without consent
- Do not use anyone's likeness or property in any production without permission
<div class="rules-card code-card rules-4">
<p class="rules-title code-title">Don't be lazy</p>
- Help out anyone whenever possible (with navigation, signups, etc.), whether it's your teammate or another participant
- You are required to provide adequete effort to your team
<div class="rules-card code-card rules-5">
<p class="rules-title code-title">Be ethical and equal</p>
- Consider the ramifications of your actions; do not do anything that will reputably harm others or yourself
- Split up work and treat others equally; Prizes are required to be split equally among the team
*subject to change
<div class="rules-box">
<h2>Photo Release Waiver</h2>
<div id=photo-description>
By participating in this hackathon, you hereby grant us permission to use your likeness and project content in photographs, videos, or other digital media in any and all of its publications, including, but not limited to, social media and web-based publications. Any and all photos taken during the hackathon duration will become property of Gilroy Hacks.
Upon agreeing to these terms, you authorize Gilroy Hacks to edit, copy, or distribute these photos for any lawful or advertising purpose. Additionally, you waive the right to royalties or compensation for using these photos.
However, Gilroy Hacks will use these photos for promotion purposes ONLY. We will never share your personal or private information to anyone outside the event.
If you have a disagreement with any of the terms stated above, please contact an event organizer or email <br><a class="link tooltip email-link email-replace-tech" target="_blank" href="mailto:tech-at-gilroyhacks-dot-com">tech (at) gilroyhacks (dot) com</a>
<div class="rules-box" id="disclaimer">
<p>DISCLAIMER: "Hacking", "Hacks", and "Gilroy Hacks" are general-use terms not associated with actual cyberwarfare or gaining unauthorized access to data.</p>
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Gilroy Hacks is a student-led organization fiscally sponsored by Hack Club, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and focused on promoting community engagement and improving STEM exposure for students.
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© 2023 Gilroy Hacks. All Rights Reserved<br>Fiscally sponsored by The Hack
Foundation.<br>Nonprofit EIN: 81-2908499
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<li>Gavilan College<br>5055 Santa Teresa Blvd, Gilroy, CA 95020</li>
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