Hackathon Event


  • Even if you're not an expert at coding, this hackathon will offer an opportunity to strengthen your skills and collaborate with others to create something useful. Below are important dates to keep in mind:
    • Aug 11 -> Signup Period Ends
    • Aug 12-14 -> Summer 2022 Hackathon
  • Our program is dedicated to providing the Gilroy/Morgan Hill/Hollister youth with the opportunity to develop their coding skills. We specialize in hackathons where students participate in teams and compete for prizes.


8/12 6:00pm Opening Ceremony
8/12 6:30pm Hacking Begins
8/14 12:00pm Hacking Ends
8/14 2:00pm Project Presentations
8/14 3:30pm Awards Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

8/12 | 6:00pm - 6:30pm

The official start of the hackathon where we deliver the opening presentation along with the finalized teams, prompts, rules, and timeline.

  • You are required to attend this portion of the hackathon to participate
  • =IMPORTANT= DO NOT START CODING during this period

Hacking Begins

8/12 | 6:30pm

Now's your time to shine! Start working with your team to build your project. No strings attached!

  • =IMPORTANT= Your project must follow one of the given prompts and guidelines; otherwise, your team may lose a lot of points for unrelated topic deductions
  • Remember, you only have 44 hours to complete your project... Use your time wisely

Hacking Ends

8/14 | 12:00pm

STOP coding! Your 44 hours of intense stress and turmoil are finally up! We hope you learned some valuable skills and made some new friends along the way.

  • =IMPORTANT= Make sure you turn in your project BEFORE the deadline at 12:30pm. You can find the submission form on the Discord server or Submit Here
  • Don't leave yet though, because you still need to present your project to the judges
  • From now until Project Presentations (2:00pm), your team will have around 2 hours to prepare for your presentation. Get back to work!

Project Presentations

8/14 | 2:00pm - 3:00pm

This is where your team will present your product to our honored judges.

  • Be Creative! Make your product stand out by including a demo or showing its function across multiple sources
  • Presentations will occur in order of team number (i.e. Team 1 will go first)
  • It is advised you have your camera on and that you ensure your microphone and tech work before presenting
  • =IMPORTANT= 5 minutes max per team. Your team is not allowed to go ABOVE those 5 minutes... Use your time wisely.
  • Your team will be graded on both the product and presentation as per the rubric

Awards Ceremony

8/14 | 3:30pm - 4:00pm

Congratuations! Judge scores are tallied and here's where we announce the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams along with positive feedback for each.

  • Winners: we will contact you via Email about your prizes; allow up to 2 days for a response
  • For Questions, ask in the Discord server (#ask-questions), or contact tech support at tech@gilroyhacks.com

Signup STEPS

Sign up w/ this form

- These questions are used to gauge your experience and skills so we can pair you with others

Join the Discord

- Please change your nickname to your First and Last name

Create/join a team

- Join teams in the Discord Server!

Start discussing ideas for a project

- Between now and the start of the hackathon is a great time to come up with project ideas & download any software you may need
- However, you can't start working on the project until the hackathon begins

Wait for the hackathon to start!

- Mark your calendars, Aug 12 - 14



A lot of money
A lot of money
A lot of money
