Congrats to the winners of the Gilroy Hacks 2022 Summer Hackathon: Team 7 - Christian Nguyen, Connor Palsgrove

Hackathon Event

Our Mission & Important Info

Gilroy Hacks is a student-led organization focused on promoting community engagement and improving STEM exposure for local middle/high school students.

"Strengthen your skills and collaborate with others to create something useful."
        - GHacks Team

Main Events

    • Aug 12 -> Opening Ceremony
    • Aug 13 -> Web Dev + Python Workshops
    • Aug 14 -> Project Presentations


    • Hybrid model - you may choose to code online or in-person
    • Signups are limited to middle and high school students only
    • Workshops are fully open to the public (as space allows)


Click on each dot for more info

Opening Ceremony

8/12 | 4:00pm - 4:45pm

The official start of the hackathon where we deliver the opening presentation along with the finalized teams, prompts, rules, and timeline.

  • Along with the in-person event held at the Community Room at the Gilroy Library, we will be streaming the event on Zoom
  • =IMPORTANT= DO NOT START CODING during this period
  • After this event, participants will head back home to start coding

Hacking Begins

8/12 | 5:00pm

Now's your time to shine! Start working with your team to build your project. No strings attached!

  • =IMPORTANT= Your project must follow one of the given prompts; otherwise, your team may lose a lot of points for unrelated topic deductions
  • Hybrid model - you may either code online or in-person at the Library
  • Remember, you only have 46 hours to complete your project... Use your time wisely

Projects Due

8/14 | 2:00pm

STOP coding! Your 46 hours of intense stress and turmoil are finally up! We hope you learned some valuable skills and made some new friends along the way.

  • =IMPORTANT= Make sure you turn in your project BEFORE the deadline at 2:00pm. You can find the submission form on the Discord server or Submit Here
  • From now until Project Presentations (2:30pm), your team will have around 30 mins to prepare for your presentation. Get back to work!

Project Presentations

8/14 | 2:30pm - 3:30pm

This is where your team will present your product to our honored judges.

  • Be Creative! Make your product stand out by including a demo or showing its function across multiple applications
  • Presentations will occur in order of team number (i.e. Team 1 will go first)
  • =IMPORTANT= Your team's presentation is NOT ALLOWED to go above 5 minutes... Use your time wisely.
  • Your team will be graded on both the product and presentation as per the rubric

Awards Ceremony

8/14 | 4:00pm - 4:30pm

Congratuations! Judge scores are tallied and here's where we announce the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams along with constructive feedback for each in the Community Room.

  • Winners: we will contact you via Email/Discord about your prizes; please allow up to 2 days for a response
  • For Questions, ask in the Discord server (#ask-questions), or contact tech support at
Click each step to cross it out!


FRI 8/12

Community Room

Opening Ceremony
SAT 8/13

Community Room

In-Person Hacking Session

Computer Lab

Web Dev Workshop
Python Workshop
SUN 8/14

Community Room

In-Person Hacking Session
Project Presentations
Awards Ceremony

*All events will be held in-person at the Gilroy Library


Gilroy Library
350 W 6th St, Gilroy, CA 95020


Our workshops will be hosted in-person and on Zoom!

Web Dev Workshop

Computer Lab

Aug 13
11am - 12pm
Gilroy Library


Open to public


A chance for you to learn the world's most common version control system: Git -- and how to create your own website!

Topics Covered:

  • Git Version Control
  • Web Dev Basics
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Domains

Slides Presentation:

slide thumbnail


  • Max capacity is around 20 people (first come, first serve)
  • Computers are provided (personal laptops recommended)

Python Workshop

Computer Lab

Aug 13
1 - 2pm
Gilroy Library


Open to public


Join us for a lecture on Python Programming basics. You'll learn basic data structures and be able to code your own programs!

Topics Covered:

  • Input/Output
  • Variables, Math
  • Booleans/if statements
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Functions

Slides Presentation:

slide thumbnail


  • Max capacity is around 20 people (first come, first serve)
  • Computers are provided (personal laptops recommended)


silver laurel NEHEME Drone
NEHEME NH525 Foldable Drone (x4)
gold laurel Divoom Pixoo Sling Bag
Divoom LED Display Sling Bag (x4)



bronze laurel Kunodi Bluetooth Speaker
Kunodi Bluetooth 5.0 Portable Speaker (x4)
Prizes will be in the form of these (very snazzy) items (amounts above are the estimated total value):
  • 1st Place: Divoom LED Display Sling Bag (x4)*
  • 2nd Place: NEHEME NH525 Foldable Drone (x4)
  • 3rd Place: Kunodi Bluetooth 5.0 Portable Speaker (x4)

*customizable (requires app)

Terms & Conditions

- We will deliver prizes at the end of the event (we may need to deliver some prizes after the event).
- Your team is responsible for equally distributing prizes to team members as per our Code of Conduct.
- Prizes are non-refundable; if you refuse to accept the prize, we will offer it to another team member.
- Gilroy Hacks will not be liable for the prize once it reaches its recipient.

Hackathon Team