#!/usr/bin/env python3 from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, request import requests from typing import List import os app = Flask(__name__) HTTP_ENDPOINT = os.getenv('HTTP_ENDPOINT') ESCAPE_HTML = os.getenv('ESCAPE_HTML') if not HTTP_ENDPOINT: print("ERROR: HTTP_ENDPOINT not set") exit(1) ESCAPE_HTML = ESCAPE_HTML and ESCAPE_HTML == "True" @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def index(): try: if request.method == "GET": captcha_id, captcha_png = captcha_get(ttl=600) return render_template("index.html", captcha_id = captcha_id, captcha_png = captcha_png) elif request.method == "POST": captcha_id = request.form.get('captcha-id') captcha_solution = request.form.get('captcha-solution') success, trials_left = captcha_validate(captcha_id, captcha_solution) if not success: return render_template('message.html', message = "Failed captcha", attempts_left = trials_left) message = request.form.get('message') if ESCAPE_HTML: message = message.replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">").replace("&", "&") if message != "": requests.post(HTTP_ENDPOINT, data={'subject': 'New Simple Contact message', 'message': message}) return render_template('message.html', message = "Your message was sent successfully") else: raise TypeError("Invalid method") except Exception as e: print(e) return render_template('message.html', message="Error occurred"), 500 def captcha_get(max_tries: int = 3, ttl: int = 120, difficulty: str = "medium") -> List[str]: """ Creates a captcha and returns [id, base64 encoded png] """ response = requests.post(f"http://rust-captcha:8000/new/{difficulty}/{max_tries}/{ttl}", headers={'X-Client-ID': 'Simple Contact'}).json() if response["error_code"] != 0: raise Exception(response) return [response["result"]["id"], response["result"]["png"]] def captcha_validate(captcha_id: str, captcha_solution: str) -> List: """ Validates a captcha and returns [success, trials_left] """ if len(captcha_id) > 100 or len(captcha_solution) > 10: return [False, 0] response = requests.post(f"http://rust-captcha:8000/solution/{captcha_id}/{captcha_solution}", headers={'X-Client-ID': 'Simple Contact'}).json() if response["error_code"] != 0: print(f"http://rust-captcha:8000/solution/{captcha_id}/{captcha_solution}") raise Exception(response) if response["result"]["solution"] == "accepted": return [True, 0] return [False, response["result"]["trials_left"]] if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", debug=True, port=8888)