# main.py # Andrew Dinh # Python 3.6.1 # Description: ''' Asks users for mutual funds/stocks to compare Asks to be compared (expense ratio, turnover, market capitalization, or persistence) Asks for time period (Possibly: 1 year, 5 years, 10 years) Makes the mutual funds as class Stock Gets data from each API Compare and contrast dates and end changeOverTime for set time period NOTES: Later can worry about getting close values to make a graph or something Gives correlation value using equation at the end (from 0 to 1) FIRST TESTING WITH EXPENSE RATIO ''' from StockData import Stock #listOfStocks = [spy, ] stockName = 'IWV' stock1 = Stock(stockName) print("Finding available dates and close values for", stock1.name) Stock.main(stock1)