#!/usr/bin/env python3 from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect, request import requests from typing import List from datetime import datetime import os import json END_URL = os.getenv('END_URL') COEFFICIENTS_AND_MOD = json.loads(os.getenv('COEFFICIENTS_AND_MOD')) # For example, [3, 5, 23] represents the function f(x)=3x+5 mod 23 DOMAIN = os.getenv('DOMAIN') DAYS_TO_ALLOW = os.getenv('DAYS_TO_ALLOW') # How many days to GET endpoint until death code functions if DAYS_TO_ALLOW: DAYS_TO_ALLOW = int(DAYS_TO_ALLOW) # DAYS_TO_ALLOW = 7 ALIVE_PATH = os.getenv('ALIVE_PATH') # Path to deny allowing attempts immediately and start the countdown (optional) # ALIVE_PATH = "i-am-alive" DEAD_PATH = os.getenv('DEAD_PATH') # Path to start allowing attemps immediately (optional) # DEAD_PATH = "i-am-dead" LAST_ENDPOINT_GET: datetime = None app = Flask(__name__) @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def index(): global POLYNOMIAL, LAST_ENDPOINT_GET, DAYS_TO_ALLOW if request.method == "POST": if ALIVE_PATH and DAYS_TO_ALLOW and LAST_ENDPOINT_GET and (datetime.today() - LAST_ENDPOINT_GET).days < DAYS_TO_ALLOW: return render_template("message.html", message="Andrew is still alive. Try again another time") captcha_id = request.form.get('captcha-id') captcha_solution = request.form.get('captcha-solution') v = captcha_validate(captcha_id, captcha_solution) if not v[0]: return render_template('message.html', message = "Failed captcha", attempts_left = v[1]) try: coords = [] for key in request.form: if 'x' == key[0]: coords.append(Coordinate(int(request.form[key]), int(request.form['y' + key[1]]))) if POLYNOMIAL.valid_combination(coords): return render_template("congrats.html", polynomial=POLYNOMIAL, domain=DOMAIN) return render_template("message.html", message="Those points weren't valid", attempts_left = v[1]) except Exception as e: print(e) return render_template("message.html", message="Invalid data") captcha = captcha_get(ttl = 300) return render_template("index.html", polynomial = POLYNOMIAL, captcha_id = captcha[0], captcha_png = captcha[1]) @app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"]) def attempt(attempt_num): global POLYNOMIAL, LAST_ENDPOINT_GET, DAYS_TO_ALLOW try: attempt_num = int(attempt_num) if request.method == "POST": captcha_id = request.form.get('captcha-id') captcha_solution = request.form.get('captcha-solution') v = captcha_validate(captcha_id, captcha_solution) if v[0]: if ALIVE_PATH and LAST_ENDPOINT_GET and (datetime.today() - LAST_ENDPOINT_GET).days < DAYS_TO_ALLOW: return render_template("message.html", message="Andrew is still alive. Try again another time") num = int(attempt_num) if num == POLYNOMIAL.x_zero_point: return redirect(END_URL, code=302) return render_template('message.html', message="Incorrect guess for f(0)", attempts_left = v[1]) return render_template('message.html', message="Failed captcha", attempts_left = v[1]) captcha = captcha_get(ttl = 30, difficulty="hard") return render_template('attempt.html', captcha_id = captcha[0], captcha_png = captcha[1]) except ValueError as e: print(e) return render_template('message.html', message="URL path must be an integer") except Exception as e: print(e) return render_template('message.html', message="Error ocurred") if ALIVE_PATH and DAYS_TO_ALLOW: @app.route("/" + ALIVE_PATH, methods=["GET"]) def am_alive(): global LAST_ENDPOINT_GET LAST_ENDPOINT_GET = datetime.today() return "OK" if DEAD_PATH: @app.route("/" + DEAD_PATH, methods=["GET"]) def am_dead(): global LAST_ENDPOINT_GET LAST_ENDPOINT_GET = None return "OK" def captcha_validate(captcha_id: str, captcha_solution: str) -> List: """ Validates a captcha and returns [success, trials_left] """ response = requests.post(f"http://rust-captcha:8000/solution/{captcha_id}/{captcha_solution}", headers={'X-Client-ID': 'Death Code'}).json() if response["error_code"] != 0: print(f"http://rust-captcha:8000/solution/{captcha_id}/{captcha_solution}") raise Exception(response) if response["result"]["solution"] == "accepted": return [True, 0] return [False, response["result"]["trials_left"]] def captcha_get(max_tries: int = 3, ttl: int = 120, difficulty: str = "medium") -> List[str]: """ Creates a captcha and returns [id, base64 encoded png] """ response = requests.post(f"http://rust-captcha:8000/new/{difficulty}/{max_tries}/{ttl}", headers={'X-Client-ID': 'Death Code'}).json() if response["error_code"] != 0: raise Exception(response) return [response["result"]["id"], response["result"]["png"]] class Coordinate: def __init__(self, x: int, y: int): self.x = x self.y = y def __repr__(self) -> str: return "({}, {})".format(self.x, self.y) def equals(self, coord): """ Returns whether this coordinate is equal to the other """ return self.x == coord.x and self.y == coord.y class Polynomial: def __init__(self, coefficients: List, modulo: int): while (coefficients[0] == 0): coefficients = coefficients[1:] self.degree = len(coefficients) - 1 self.coefficients = coefficients self.modulo = modulo self.x_zero_point = coefficients[-1] % modulo def __repr__(self): i = 0 s = "y=" exponent = self.degree while exponent > 1: if s != "y=": s += "+" s += str(self.coefficients[i]) + "x^" + str(exponent) exponent -= 1 i += 1 if i != len(self.coefficients): if s != "y=": s += "+" s += str(self.coefficients[i]) + "x" i += 1 if i != len(self.coefficients): if s != "y=": s += "+" s += str(self.coefficients[-1]) return s + " mod " + str(self.modulo) def valid_combination(self, coordinates: List[Coordinate]) -> bool: """ Returns whether there are enough valid coordinates in `coordinates` to extract this polyomial """ count = 0 seen_coords = [] for coord in coordinates: if self.valid_coord(coord) and all([not coord.equals(coordinate) for coordinate in seen_coords]): count += 1 seen_coords.append(coord) return count >= self.degree + 1 def valid_coord(self, coord: Coordinate) -> bool: """ Returns whether `coord` is a valid coordinate for this polynomial """ exponent = self.degree coefficients = self.coefficients value = 0 i = 0 while exponent >= 0: value += coefficients[i] * pow(coord.x, exponent) exponent -= 1 i += 1 return value % self.modulo == coord.y POLYNOMIAL = Polynomial(COEFFICIENTS_AND_MOD[:-1], COEFFICIENTS_AND_MOD[-1]) if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host="", debug=True, port=8888)